Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Monique Sex : Woman Status : Single, without children Birthday : 24 Apr 1947 (77 ) Area : Cannes et environs |
A few words |
Ouverte d'esprit, cool, je cherche à rencontrer des gens qui aiment comme moi, la mer, la danse, le cinéma. Je suis curieuse et ai besoin d'élargir mon cercle de connaissances. |
Work / Job I don't work | Languages I speak French | Daily life Generous - Altruistic |
Technology I have a smartphone | Sports HikingRunning Water sports | Physical Activities StrollRock dancing Swimming |
Games Card games - PokerBoard games Baseball - Boules - Bowls | Cultural Activities Jazzy | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioParanormal - Magic |
Entertainment / Info Amusement ParksShopping Television Radio - Press | Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachMountain | Special Events Concert - Festival |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |